Find out where to go for help in cases of violence against women in Brazil
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to call the police if you are in immediate danger and need help.
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What kind of support do you need?
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Centros de Referência da Mulher/Centros Especializados de Atendimento à Mulher (Women's Reference Centres/Specialized Women's Service Centres)
These are places where women who are victims of violence are welcomed, cared for and given social and psychotherapeutic support.
Health care
These are services that provide health care through hospital and mental health care, such as hospitals, basic health units and psychosocial care centers. If you have suffered sexual violence, it is important to go to the nearest health center within 72 hours of the incident to receive care to prevent sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. If the violence has occurred more than 72 hours after the event, it is still important to seek out health services to carry out rapid tests to identify possible STIs and referral for relevant treatment or legal abortion in cases of pregnancy resulting from the violence.
Casa da Mulher Brasileira (Brazilian Women's House)
It offers comprehensive care with specialized services such as psychosocial support, promotion of economic autonomy, childcare, temporary accommodation and transport. It also provides services from the police station, the courts, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Defender's Office, all in one place.
Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (Social Assistance Reference Center)
It is the gateway to Social Assistance. In these centers, known as CRAS, you can get advice on welfare benefits and register with the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs.
Centro de Referência Especializado em Assistência Social (Specialized Social Assistance Reference Centre)
It assists families and individuals in situations of personal and social risk and violation of rights, such as domestic violence. At CREAS you can find information, legal advice, family support, support in accessing personal documentation and can be referred to other services.
Casas Abrigo (Shelter houses)
These are confidential spaces that temporarily shelter women who are victims or threatened by domestic violence, and also offer support to their children. Referral to the shelter is usually made through assistance services, such as CRMs, CEAMs, among others.
Defensoria Pública (Public Defender's Office)
Legal assistance, including requests for protective measures and urgent custody cases. Some states have the Center for the Promotion and Defense of Women's Rights (NUDEM), a specialized body within the public defender's office.
Delegacia/Delegacia de Atendimento à Mulher (Police Station/Women's Police Station)
Police stations are the most appropriate places for emergency assistance. There you can formalize a request for a protective measure and file a police report.
These are places where women who are victims of violence are welcomed, cared for and given social and psychotherapeutic support.
It assists families and individuals in situations of personal and social risk and violation of rights, such as domestic violence. At CREAS you can find information, legal advice, family support, support in accessing personal documentation and can be referred to other services.
It is the gateway to Social Assistance. In these centers, known as CRAS, you can get advice on welfare benefits and register with the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs.
Police stations are the most appropriate places for emergency assistance. There you can formalize a request for a protective measure and file a police report.
Legal assistance, including requests for protective measures and urgent custody cases. Some states have the Center for the Promotion and Defense of Women's Rights (NUDEM), a specialized body within the public defender's office.
These are confidential spaces that temporarily shelter women who are victims or threatened by domestic violence, and also offer support to their children. Referral to the shelter is usually made through assistance services, such as CRMs, CEAMs, among others.
These are services that provide health care through hospital and mental health care, such as hospitals, basic health units and psychosocial care centers. If you have suffered sexual violence, it is important to go to the nearest health center within 72 hours of the incident to receive care to prevent sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. If the violence has occurred more than 72 hours after the event, it is still important to seek out health services to carry out rapid tests to identify possible STIs and referral for relevant treatment or legal abortion in cases of pregnancy resulting from the violence.
It offers comprehensive care with specialized services such as psychosocial support, promotion of economic autonomy, childcare, temporary accommodation and transport. It also provides services from the police station, the courts, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Defender's Office, all in one place.
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