Caring is our way of changing the world.
Find out more about our strategies for building a Brazil free of femicides.
Caring is our way of changing the world.
Find out more about our strategies for building a Brazil free of femicides.
Theory of change
We believe that none of us should suffer alone - and that is the essence of our work at Mapa do Acolhimento. Our aim is to guarantee comprehensive and effective support for women who seek help after a situation of violence.
Theory of change
We believe that none of us should suffer alone - and that is the essence of our work at Mapa do Acolhimento. Our aim is to guarantee comprehensive and effective support for women who seek help after a situation of violence.
Where we are
We live in a critical scenario when it comes to gender-based violence in Brazil.
With femicides on the rise and violence against women constantly being renewed, many are not even aware of the violence they are suffering until it escalates to the point
where it threatens their physical integrity.
Even those who do understand the situation and bravely open their windows to shout for help are met with a lack of preparation and judgment from those who should be supporting them.

Premises for solution
Thousands of women are being victimized by a preventable crime every year in Brazil. We need a direct and immediate response.
However, we understand that this immediate response is not enough to overcome a problem on epidemic levels, as is the case with femicides in our country. We also need a scalable solution.
We also believe that society needs to be sensitive to the problem and mobilized in defense of public support policies
so that they are seen as fundamental rights.

Collective action
Our work is only possible thanks to:
Survivors who trust us to help them break the cycle of violence;
Volunteers who dedicate their time and experience to our solidarity network;
Activists who mobilize their networks in defense of women's lives;
Collaborators who are part of Mapa do Acolhimento's internal team and co-construct strategic solutions to strengthen our work;
Organizações parceiras que integram o ecossistema brasileiro de enfrentamento à violência de gênero e somam esforços em prol da redução dos feminicídios.

How we do
In order to deal systemically with the problem of gender-based violence in Brazil, our work is divided into three program areas:

Service Provision
Direct support offered to survivors through a technological solution that connects them to a national network of volunteer psychologists and lawyers.
Cooperation with Governments
We hope that they will find a public, comprehensive and qualified supportthat will allow them to regain their autonomy and ensure that their most fundamental right - the right to life - is guaranteed..
Our aim is to ensure that every request for help is met with the urgency and effectiveness that the situation demands, allowing them to fully recover and regain control
over their own lives.

We live in a critical scenario when it comes to gender-based violence in Brazil.
With femicides on the rise and violence against women constantly being renewed, many are not even aware of the violence they are suffering until it escalates to the point
where it threatens their physical integrity.
Even those who do understand the situation and bravely open their windows to shout for help are met with a lack of preparation and judgment from those who should be supporting them.

Thousands of women are being victimized by a preventable crime every year in Brazil. We need a direct and immediate response.
However, we understand that this immediate response is not enough to overcome a problem on epidemic levels, as is the case with femicides in our country. We also need a scalable solution.
We also believe that society needs to be sensitive to the problem and mobilized in defense of public support policies
so that they are seen as fundamental rights.

Our work is only possible thanks to:
Survivors who trust us to help them break the cycle of violence;
Volunteers who dedicate their time and experience to our solidarity network;
Activists who mobilize their networks in defense of women's lives;
Collaborators who are part of Mapa do Acolhimento's internal team and co-construct strategic solutions to strengthen our work;

In order to deal systemically with the problem of gender-based violence in Brazil, our work is divided into three program areas:

Service Provision
Direct support offered to survivors through a technological solution that connects them to a national network of volunteer psychologists and lawyers.
Cooperation with Governments
We hope that they will find a public, comprehensive and qualified supportthat will allow them to regain their autonomy and ensure that their most fundamental right - the right to life - is guaranteed..
Our aim is to ensure that every request for help is met with the urgency and effectiveness that the situation demands, allowing them to fully recover and regain control
over their own lives.

Our work is supported by organizations and individuals who, like us, believe that a Brazil without femicides is possible.With this support, we are able to maintain a permanent and qualified team that dedicates itself daily to improving the experiences of all the women impacted by our work.
Affirming our commitment to transparency, we guarantee integrity and clarity in the management of the resources we receive.
Check out our reports:

Mapa do Acolhimento
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